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The project YOUTH FOR COMMUNITY BUILDING (Y4CB) was co-funded by the European Union Program ERASMUS+, KA154-YOU - YOUTH PARTICIPATION ACTIVITIES, under the Grant Agreement: 2022-2-PT02-KA154-YOU-000091301.
Note: This e-learning platform represents a staging up of the We Belong - Exploring Europe’s Unity in Diversity e-learning platform, developed under the co-funding of the European Union Program ERASMUS+, Key Action 2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for Youth (KA205), under the Grant Agreement nº 2019-2-FR02-KA205-016241.
All the We Belong-driven interested users that arrive here will have all the We Belong Course Materials, which were appended to the Youth 4 Community Building project materials.
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